
Two thousand twelve began unusually with the delayed half-marathon kicking off the annual running calendar. Challenges at home and the start of the term had me up late, up early, and the half-marathon was run in a rainy fog of less-than-peak physical condition. The following Tuesday Shrue headed to Kosrae to visit family, bringing changes to all of the daily household routines.

Lunch at Joy
Lunch at Joy

One of the first was a father-children Saturday lunch at Joy Hotel.

Gluten free pancakes
Gluten free pancakes

Another change was in the chief chef at the house, which led to experimental gluten free pancakes among other culinary curiosities. These were less well received than meals out.

Nett Point
Nett Point

Trips to Nett Point and Nihco were also fit into the schedule.


The Nihco visit occasioned by a picnic organized by the Kosrae Student Organization picnic, of which I am the current advisor.

Sakau en kommonlaid
Sakau en kommonlaid

There was also time for sakau and evening socialization. Maybe there was time every night for a little mud. Sleep being more elusive when my partner is away, sakau is the natural herbal remedy.

Breakfast with Elpina
Breakfast with Elpina

On Saturday 28 January the flight overflew Kosrae and brought a visitor to Pohnpei who was originally destined for Kosrae, Elpina. The banana fritters are hers, and they were wonderful.

Round island tour with Elpina
Round island tour with Elpina

Sunday the 29th featured a round island tour including the Nanpei statue in Kitti. Unfortunately Elpi took a tumble there that led to a quick check at Genesis post-trip. Madolehnihmw

Challenging activities in January included lecturing while riding a RipStik after a Sunday evening indulging at D & A’s.

Lecturing from atop a RipStik
Lecturing from atop a RipStik

Shrue returned from Kosrae in time to make the Kosrae Congregational Church sunday school picnic. All of the sunday schoolers received their “opi” – small gifts for participating in the running games.

Sunday school picnic at Nihco
Sunday school picnic at Nihco

Sometimes the noise under the sofa is an unexpected surprise. Storks do not bring babies, babies simply arrive under sofas. At least that is my new theory.

Surprise package under the sofa
Surprise package under the sofa

Along with a baby under the sofa, the college gained a new president.

New president is resident
Faculty meeting with new president

Meanwhile on the home front I was faced with what to call Lucky Charms minus the lucky charms. The kid really does not like the charms.

Lucky Charms minus the lucky charms
Lucky Charms minus the lucky charms

February brought a new badminton tournament, providing recreational release for at least one of the kids. The other opted to sit this tournament out.

February badminton tournament
February badminton tournament
February badminton tournament
February badminton tournament

Given the number of babies drifting around the house, having babies pat other babies to sleep was probably inevitable.

Family dinner
Family dinner

Sunday evenings are still a time for family dinner.

Small visitor
Small visitor

And a visiting baby makes a good night time companion. Even though they awake for small hours feedings, babies remain a nice sleep companion. In them the world is new again.

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